6945 32nd St. North Highlands
Ca 95660 916.331.9900
A-All Mini Storage – No. Highlands
A-All Mini Storage
6945 32nd Street
North Highlands, Ca. 95660
NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALE BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS CODE 21700 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property to enforce a lien imposed pursuant to the California Self-Storage Facility Act (Business and Professions Code 21700- 21718). The undersigned will sell at public sale by LIVE competitive bidding on or after 11th of February 2025 at 9:00 AM at: A-All Mini Storage located at, 6945 32nd St. North Highlands, CA 95660. Space(s) abandoned by, A. Cornelison, A. Cherenkov, S. Bonko, J. Davis, M. Torres, S. Flicker, R. Kershaw, R. Stark, K. Setzer, G. Hill, A. Pontod, B. Doerflein, A. Shaw, C. Kershaw, J. Clarke, J. Distefano, D. Petty, S. Evanovich, C. Grable, A. Carino, B. Trammell, Z. Miller, R. Graham, A. Casey, J. Williams, M. Mandoriao, R. Romano, A. Hall, B. Langlinals, J. LaPage, L. Myers, T. Andrews, B. Halcomb, Y. Pinales, R. Davis. Property to be sold as is to the highest bidder in the form of cash only. The sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between Owner and the obligated party. Auction conducted by Auctioneer Forrest O’Brien of Sale Maker Auctions 925.392.8508 CA Bond #00106386718 and/or Donna Wilson Ca Bond No 0562039. PER AB542, Inventory Photos of lien units are advertised on www.salemakerauctions.com. Published after 01/20/202