Sean M. Walsh
K9 Memorial Foundation – 11th Annual Memorial Fundraiser
Coming August 2025
The Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation is named in memory of SPC Sean M. Walsh. His family and friends founded it in December of 2011, shortly after they learned of his death while he was serving in Afghanistan.
The Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation received it’s non-profit status in March 2012. The mission of the Foundation is to provide police dogs to law enforcement agencies in need.
Be a part of our 10th Annual Luau Fundraiser.
The Luau Fundraiser is our biggest event of the year. Come early for our meet and greet from 3:15 to4:45 where you can expect to meet handlers and their K-9s from all Northern California and the Central Valley. The official start of the Luau is at 5 pm, after we release butterflies. Our event will include delicious Hawaiian BBQ, as well as the music of NativSun and the hula that make our event so popular every year.
We’ll have our chance ticket drawings and also have our silent and live auction items. Bid before, during and after our event to win some incredible items.
NOTE: For the safety of our K9s, there will be no pets allowed, regardless of size. We ask that the only dogs (or pet of any kind) at our event are law enforcement agents who carry a badge. Thank you all in advance for understanding.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you plan to pay for your ticket by cash or check.
*Please note that we will be returning to Napredak Hall on Montague Expressway between the 880 and 101 freeways this year.
The event will include delicious Hawaiian BBQ, as well as the music and hula that make our event so popular every year. You can also expect interviews with local departments and K-9 handlers, and who could forget our silent and live auction items? Bid before, during and after our event to win some incredible items!
3:15 PM – 4:45 PM
K-9 Meet and Greet – Come and meet handlers and their K9s from departments assisted by our grants
Butterfly Release
5:00 PM – 8:30 PM